Dear Fellow Art Teachers, Parents and Students, Thank you for submitting your artwork to the Scholastic Art Awards of San Antonio. Please follow this LINK to find the results. There were over 1,800 art submissions this year! We congratulate those chosen and encourage those not listed to continue to advance their artistic talents and participate in next year’s awards. As a reminder, the Scholastic Art Awards uses a “blind adjudication” process – meaning judging is determined on a merit basis with only the art object under review and judges do not have any knowledge of student identity. Criteria for judging was originality, technical skill and the emergence of a personal vision. If you received a Gold Key or Silver Key, those will be shown at the San Antonio Scholastic Art Awards Ceremony and exhibition at SAY Sí on February 2, 2018, from 6 p.m. to 9:30 p.m.The ceremony will begin at 7 p.m. Details on artwork delivery dates, presentation, and other requirements can be found HERE. The exhibition will be on disply from January 29-February 9th. We need YOUR help – Please help us with the costs of this year’s ceremony by making a donation HERE. Based on time and space limitations, only Gold and Silver Key recipients are recognized during the ceremony and exhibition. Are you listed as a Gold Key recipient? Click HERE for information about scholarships available to Gold Key recipients. In addition to being honored in exhibition and ceremony at SAY Sí, Gold Key works are automatically entered into the national judging. There are no additional steps required. In New York City, panels of nationally renowned artists, art professionals, and arts educators review Gold Key works from across the country. The artwork is judged in the digital format. All National award recipients will notified through their Scholastic accounts and by March 13, 2018. If you need additional information, please call 210-212-8666 or email me at Thank you all for making the San Antonio regional competition a huge success! Follow