Executive Director Stephanie LaFroscia was the Director of Grants and Community Engagement at the San Antonio Area Foundation, a community foundation serving San Antonio’s urban center and rural areas in seven surrounding counties. In her role at the Area Foundation, she advocates for the centrality of the cultural organizations, artists and culture bearers in equitable community development. LaFroscia has been instrumental in developing the 2021 Recovery Fund for the Arts and the Youth Development Artist Fellowship program, supporting artists working to advance youth leadership and mental health. LaFroscia previously served as a program officer at the New York City Department of Cultural Affairs. Prior to that, she led education and public programs at at El Museo del Barrio, NY, where she developed a performing arts residency and interdisciplinary programming in the visual, performing, and literary arts, including Action Actual: Performance Art at El Museo and El Barrio’s Freshest, an annual b-boy/b-girl competition. LaFroscia received a MA in Visual Arts Administration from New York University and a BA in Art History, Summa Cum Laude, from Trinity University in San Antonio, TX. She lives in San Antonio, TX with her wife and children.