Working Artists & Mentors WAM, SAY Sí’s multidisciplinary middle school program, is a year-round program in visual arts, theatre, media arts and new media. SAY Sí employs its junior and senior high school students to work as student instructors, allowing for reciprocally beneficial peer-to-peer mentoring. During the school year, WAM students meet on Tuesdays and Thursdays. The mentoring between our high school and middle school students is a unique aspect to this program. It gives middle school students the opportunity to learn from some of our advanced high school students and it gives our high school students real-world job skills and experience. Students in this program work on projects that develop cognitive skills, including; problem-solving, reasoning, and decision-making as well as interpersonal skills such as oral communication, teamwork, and self-fulfillment. Middle School students can attend the same studios listed on our High School page. Learn more below: VA [Visual Arts Studio] MAS [Media Arts Studio] ALAS [Theatre] HIVE [New Media] Follow