What is SAY Sí?SAY Sí [San Antonio Youth Yes] is a year-round, long-term, tuition-free arts program for high school and middle school students in San Antonio. Follow What does SAY Sí do?We work with talented youth interested in making and selling their artwork and learning more about the business side of the arts. We also serve the community with our arts outreach program. Follow What Programs do you offer?VA [Visual Arts], the high school visual arts program where students study drawing, painting, sculpture, ceramics, art history and create commission artwork. MAS [Media Arts Studio], the high school media arts program where students learn filmmaking and photography. The ALAS [Activating Leadership Art & Service] Youth Theatre Company, a youth theatre program serving middle and high school students that develops leadership and creativity skills through a unique approach to performance. The HIVE [Home for Innovation & Video Ecology] New Media Studio, where students produce digital and tech-based work, tie visual art and narrative together, consider interactivity as a feature of art, and explore new art forms. WAM [Working Artists & Mentors], the middle school visual & media arts program taught by trained instructors and student mentors. ABC [Artists Building Communities], where trained alumni facilitate weekly art workshops for children served by community organizations and school districts. Follow Where are you located?SAY Sí is proud to say we have officially relocated to the West Side! You can find us at 1310 S Brazos St, San Antonio, TX, 78207. We are located right past the Alazan Courts and Apache Creek. Follow How do I join?Please go our How to Join page to find the rules and requirements for joining the program. Follow I’m not attending school or I have just recently graduated; can I be in the program?No, you must be attending school or be a SAY Sí graduate to participate in the program. Follow How much does it cost to join?SAY Sí is free, but students must meet certain requirements, check our How to Join page for information. Follow Where does your money come from?SAY Sí is a 501 (C) (3) non-profit organization and the majority of our budget comes from donations and grants from foundations, corporations and individuals, with some coming from special events. Follow How long has SAY Sí been in existence?We opened our doors in 1994. Follow Where do your students come from?We have students from every part of the city and from every council district, but the majority come from the urban area of San Antonio, and districts 1, 7, 2 and 5. Click HERE to learn more about our fiscal and organizational history. Follow Follow