Phone Number: (210) 201-4950
Address: 1310 S. Brazos Street, San Antonio, TX 78207

**Please note that during this time we center the health and safety of our community, so our hours of operation may fluctuate accordingly. Based on our ability to work remotely, please coordinate appointments and site visits ahead of time. For appointment inquiries, please email**

Gallery Hours:
We are Available In-Person:

Mondays — Thursdays, 12 PM — 6 PM
Fridays, By Appointment Only
Closed Saturdays & Sundays (except for posted events and when otherwise stated, please check our calendar)

If you would like to partner with SAY Sí or have or schedule a facility rental, or learn about volunteer opportunities, please email Operations Manager Lindsay Byrne at

If you have questions about SAY Sí marketing, advertising, or communications, please email Communications and Marketing Associate, Jessica Beall, at

If you have questions about SAY Sí development or fundraising efforts, please email Development Manager, Denise Thieme, at

If you have questions or inquiries about our new building or the Capital Campaign, please email Board President Jason Moran at